About Us
xxx Something here about the ethos xxx
xx something here about the grounds, preschool in general
Our Story
Something about how long it has been running, how it began etc.
Our Team
Ana Micu – Manager/Designated Safeguarding Lead
Lily Ogilvie – Deputy Manager/ Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jo Mumby- Curriculum Lead/SenCo
Helen Short – Practitioner/ Designated Safeguarding Lead
Hayley Watts – Practitioner
Vicky Power – Practitioner
Reshmi – Practitioner
Critina Andras – Practitioner
Nicki Gutherie – Practitioner
Linda Surridge – Practitioner
Philosophy & Mission
Helping Your Child Explore, Grow, & Learn
xx something about facilities, themes and projects, day trips out, links with local schools and church etc. xxx
What We Offer
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Tristique viverra enim rutrum at.
Our preschool is charity-operated and therefore relies on voluntary donations and
parents and carers fundraising to support the level of staffing and resources which
we believe are important. Our parents and carers fundraising committee support the
preschool by organising a wide range of charity events including Cuckfield Mayor’s
Procession, Christmas street market stalls and raffle, sponsored scoot and splash
events, charity evenings and bake sales. We are incredibly grateful to our parent
fundraisers for this invaluable support and they also find it is a great way to get to
know the other parents and carers.